The Western Tien Shan plays a key role in stabilizing the ecological situation in the most difficult part of Central Asia in terms of natural and socio-economic situation. The nearby foothills are among the most densely populated in the world.
The Corporate Fund "Biodiversity Conservation Fund of Kazakhstan" received a grant from the Cooperation Fund for the Preservation of Critical Ecosystems (CEPF) (USA) for the implementation of the project "Improving the management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan".
The project implementation period is 18 months from January 15, 2020.
Pilot territories are: Aksu-Zhabagly gas processing plant, Karatau gas processing plant and Sairam-Ugam GNPP.
The aim of the project is to promote effective cooperation between public state associations (CSOs), the local population and the administrations of protected areas in order to strengthen systems of protected natural areas.
The project includes 5 components.
Component 1: Regional Committee of the WHS “Western Tien Shan”.
Component 2: National legislation
Component 3: Coordinating Councils
Component 4: Public awareness
Component 5: Capacity building for CSOs and local communities
Project executors:
Ustemirov Kairat - project manager;
Sabitov Rauf - expert on working with the local community;
Balzhanov Zhainar - project assistant;
Baibakisheva Azhar - PR specialist.
Information report on the activities of the project for the first half of the year
In accordance with the agreement concluded between the Biodiversity Conservation Fund of Kazakhstan and the Cooperation Fund for the Preservation of Critical Ecosystems (CEPF) (USA) dated December 23, 2020, from January 15, 2021, agreements were concluded with the project executors: Ustemirov K., Sabitov R., Balzhanov Zh. and Baibakisheva A.
The project team developed the Project Implementation Plan for 2021.
A meeting was held with the leadership of the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife and approval was received from the Committee for the implementation of the project by the Fund.
Work for the first half of the year by components:
Component 1: Regional Committee of the WHS “Western Tien Shan”.
As part of this component, on behalf of the Vice Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Nysanbaev, letters were sent to the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection on the start of the project and proposal for the implementation of the Memorandum between the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection on the management and protection of the Serial transboundary World Natural Heritage Site UNESCO "Western Tien Shan".
It was also proposed to identify responsible persons from these organizations to organize the first meeting of the Regional Committee in May 2021.
A letter was sent to the UNESCO Office in Kazakhstan with a proposal to support this work and join the project in this direction.
Responses were received from the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection to support this project and appoint responsible persons.
From the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the head of the department for monitoring and coordinating scientific activities of the Department for Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas Turdumatov T.K. was appointed as the responsible person.
From the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection, the head of the department of international cooperation and projects, Jahondir Talipov, was appointed as the responsible person.
The project manager Ustemirov K. held telephone conversations with responsible persons, as well as through a ZOOM conference, and determined further actions to prepare for the meeting of the Coordinating Council in May-June 2021 in Shymkent.
However, due to the epidemiological situation in the region, the holding of the Regional Committee was repeatedly postponed.
The final date for the first meeting of the Regional Committee has been determined on July 2, 2021.
Component 2: National legislation
Within the framework of this component, an agreement was concluded with M.M. Muzhubaev, a former employee of the Committee, who has extensive experience in standard-setting work on analyzing legal acts and developing proposals for improving legislation.
The expert analyzed the legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of protected areas:
1) identification of gaps in legislative acts;
2) identification of conflicts and gaps in by-laws.
and a List of legal acts proposed for development in order to improve legislation in the field of protected areas was prepared.
At present, the NLA is being developed by an expert. The developed draft legal acts are posted on a special website Free legal acts.
In addition, as part of this component, in February 2021, a contract was signed with Iralina A. to develop a new regulation on Coordinating Councils in targeted PAs, taking into account the gender policy.
According to the terms of reference, Iralina A. traveled to the pilot territories from February 22 to 26 and, with the participation of an expert on working with the local community, R. Sabitov, met with the management of the target protected areas to discuss the provisions on the Coordinating Councils.
In addition, at the suggestion of the UNESCO Office in Kazakhstan, the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty was involved in this work.
At present, the project has formed the composition of the Regional Committee from three countries and prepared a draft Action Plan.
Component 3: Coordinating Councils
In the period from June 1 to June 4, 2021, the first Coordination Councils were held in three pilot PAs, at which the Regulations on the Coordination Councils, their composition and the Plan for 2021 were approved.
According to the gender policy, 40% of women are included in the committees. The committees also include representatives of NGOs and local communities.
In addition, issues of creating, under environmental institutions, volunteer clubs were discussed.
It was decided by the end of 2021 to create volunteer clubs in all protected areas.
Also, a group consisting of the Head of the Directorate of the FSBK Asylbekov A.D., the project manager Ustemirov K.Zh., an expert in working with the local community Sabitov R. and an expert in evaluating the effectiveness of PA management according to the METT methodology for 3 pilot PAs Taibergenov Yu. the period from February 16 to February 20, 2021 visited the pilot protected areas of the Turkestan region.
As part of this trip, an expert on assessing the effectiveness of PA management using the METT methodology conducted an assessment in pilot PAs.
A comparative analysis of the results of assessing the effectiveness of management using the METT methodology for three protected areas in the Western Tien Shan revealed the following:
Aksu-Zhabagly Gas Processing Plant is in first place with 65 points out of 96, which is a relatively good result. In achieving this result, the fact that this reserve was created the very first in Kazakhstan in 1926 played a role. Therefore, for a long time, over 90 years, management work in the reserve has been improved, but despite this, there are still large reserves for improving management efficiency. The potential of personnel in the scientific department and the security department is high.
In second place with an average of 62 points out of 96 Sairam-Ugam SNNP. The national park was created in 2006, it is only 15 years old. The results achieved are average. There is significant potential to improve the efficiency of GNNP management. Not far from SNPP there are leading universities and research institutes with highly qualified specialists who come to SNPP to conduct research, student practice and transfer their invaluable experience to local personnel. There is a strong potential of personnel in the scientific department and in the tourism department.
In third place with a score below the average of 55 points is the Karatau GPP. This is due to the lack of many years of experience and low qualification of personnel. To improve management efficiency, it is necessary to improve the skills of personnel and carry out other activities.
The main conclusions and proposals based on the results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the management of protected areas:
Firstly, the work experience and potential of personnel play an important role in the effectiveness of the management of protected areas, therefore it is necessary to improve the qualifications of personnel on an annual basis.
Secondly, one of the main barriers to management efficiency is the material and technical base and full funding.
Thirdly, effective leadership and the adoption of competent administrative decisions, management and use of personnel and human potential play a very important role. Strengthening interaction with local communities, farmers and authorities.
Fourth, it is necessary to eliminate legal barriers that reduce the effectiveness of protected area management.
Fifthly, in order to strengthen the efficiency of PA management and increase capacity, it is necessary to create a permanent center under the Corporate Fund for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan to improve the skills of personnel. To attract to this center highly qualified experienced personnel with many years of experience in this industry, especially those with many years of experience directly in the protected areas of the Republic.
In addition to the above, having studied the training programs for students in the subjects taught in the specialties for working in protected areas, the State Forestry Department in KazATU and other universities of the country, it turned out that many subjects and questions do not reflect the necessary needs of production, some significant issues used in the practice of working in protected areas are not at all are included in the list of issues studied in the universities of the country.
Component 4: Public awareness
As part of this component, the project signed an agreement with a company to modernize the sites of 3 environmental institutions. The work will be completed by the end of 2021.
Also, in order to prepare for the information campaign among the local population of pilot PAs, on the basis of materials received from the NGO "Mountain Club" Zhabagly-Manas "for a color booklet, descriptions of 16 species of priority rare and endangered species of animals and plants of the region were developed and translated into the state language.
At present, booklets have been printed and will be distributed to schoolchildren, students, journalists and the local population during the upcoming excursions to the pilot protected areas and press tours.
In addition, the project developed the Regulations on the Volunteer Club and sent it to the pilot protected areas for further work.
Currently, work is underway to form members of the Club and the Club is planned to be created by the end of 2021.
An expert on work with the local community has prepared a set of methodological materials on technologies, drawings and descriptions of the demonstration installations intended for environmental demonstration sites.
Pilot farms have been selected where demonstration ecological sites will be installed.
The project took part in the annual environmental action "March of Parks". As a result of the action, in the period from June 1 to 4, 2021, together with the Deputy Permanent Representative of the UN Development Program in Kazakhstan P. Vremisch, the most active participants of the action were awarded.
Head of the Directorate of the FSBK Asylbekov A.D. and project manager Ustemirova K.Zh, an expert on working with the local community Sabitova R. visited the pilot protected areas of the Turkestan region from February 16 to February 20, 2021.
During the trip to Taraz, Memorandums were signed on
cooperation within the framework of the project with the Department of Education of the Akimat of Zhambyl region and Taraz State University named after. M.Kh. Dulati to involve schoolchildren and students in the implementation of the project in pilot protected areas.
On February 17, 21, the group visited the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve, where a meeting was held with the management of the reserve and the team, during which information was provided on the goals and objectives of the project, as well as planned activities.
In addition, a pilot survey was conducted among employees on the knowledge of rare and endangered species of animals and plants found in the region.
On February 17, 21, the group left for Shymkent, where Memorandums were signed with the Shymkent City Department of Education and with the South Kazakhstan University. M. Auezov to attract students to the implementation of the project in pilot protected areas.
The group also visited the second pilot area of the Sairam-Ugam SNNP, where a meeting was also held with the leadership of the national park and the team, during which information was provided on the goals and objectives of the project, as well as planned activities.
In addition, a pilot survey was conducted among employees on the knowledge of rare and endangered species of animals and plants found in the region.
On February 18, 2021, the group left for the city of Kentau on the territory of the third pilot protected area in the Karatau GPP.
A meeting was also held here with the leadership of the national park and the staff, during which information was provided on the goals and objectives of the project, as well as planned activities.
The expert on working with the local community held meetings with representatives of local NGOs and peasant and farm enterprises. Threats to biodiversity and further actions on the project were discussed.
In addition, a pilot survey was conducted among employees on the knowledge of rare and endangered species of animals and plants found in the region.
On February 19, the group left for the city of Turkestan, where Memorandums were signed with the education department of the akimat of the Turkestan region and the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after. HA. Yasavi to involve schoolchildren and students in the implementation of the project in pilot protected areas.
On February 20, 2021, the group left for Nur-Sultan.
Also, as part of the implementation of this component, the project held a competition among schoolchildren in the pilot areas "Inhabitants of the protected lands of the Western Tien Shan".
As part of the competition "Inhabitants of the protected lands of the Western Tien Shan" (hereinafter referred to as the competition), 226 works were accepted in three categories (fine art, arts and crafts, photo drawings), in three age categories (from 9 to 11 years old, from 12 -15 years old, 16 to 17 years old). By regions:
Karatau: 24
Aksu-Zhabagly: 137
Sairam-Ugam: 62
Shymkent: 3
According to the results of the competition, 37 schoolchildren were awarded certificates and valuable prizes, of which 23 schoolchildren were prize-winning places, and 14 schoolchildren were awarded incentive places.
In addition, electronic questionnaires were prepared (in the state and Russian languages) and a survey was conducted to assess the level of awareness of schoolchildren and the local population about rare and endangered species of animals and plants in the region at the initial stage of the project.
Questionnaires were sent to pilot PAs, universities and departments of education for questioning.
The survey showed the following results.
As part of the survey among respondents, school teachers and schoolchildren, 3381 answers were accepted. As a result, the survey showed the following:
Average number of correct answers among respondents: 39.2%
Average number of correct answers among teachers: 32.8%
Average number of correct answers among schoolchildren: 31.6%.
The next survey will be conducted in May 2022.
A PR specialist, as part of the implementation of Component 4, to increase public awareness, work was carried out to enhance the activities of eco-education specialists. Information publications on the Facebook and Instagram pages of three pilot PAs were exposed.
Component 5: Capacity building for CSOs and local communities
As part of this component, the project developed terms of reference and, based on the results of the selection, concluded an agreement with trainer Elena Efimova to conduct three four-hour trainings with subsequent online support for two months.
The first seminar was held in the assembly hall of the school named after A.S. Pushkin in the village of Khantagi, Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan on June 3, 2021, in the pilot area of the Karatau GPP.
Rauf Sabitov, an expert on working with local communities, took part in the workshop. The program of the seminar included the presentation of the FSBK project “Improving the efficiency of management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan”; presentation of the "Living Benefit", informing participants about rare species, priority CEPF, about their status and threats; information on sources of funding for biodiversity conservation projects, on the role of the local community in the management of protected areas. The participants were informed in more detail about the conditions of the CEPF grant program, the requirements for applications for grants and financial reporting, the possibility of online training under the ARGO program, as well as online support for the seminar participants over the next two months.
The seminar was attended by 23 people out of 15 planned, including 11 women, 12 men. Among the participants were 4 representatives of 3 NGOs, 7 representatives of peasant farms, 1 rural individual entrepreneur, a deputy of the newly created Sauran aul district, the director of the Pushkin school, school staff and villagers.
The participants of the seminar were provided with drinking water, pens, notebooks, food was organized for them.
Since a lot of paper was used for the first survey in the village of Zhabagly, it was decided to conduct knowledge assessment in a more environmentally friendly way. The workshop began with an open survey of participants about rare and endangered species of animals and plants that are a priority for CEPF. This part of the seminar was recorded on video. Naturally, many people know about Karatau argali, Greig's tulip, Indian porcupine, while at the same time, the participants of the seminar have a very vague idea of other Red Book animals and plants. For example, they include saxaul in the Red Book, while this plant is not listed in the Red Book, although in Kazakhstan there is a ban on its felling and collection. Of the fruit trees, they remembered the pear and apple tree, without specifying their types. None of the respondents knows that in the territory of the reserve (according to the results of the inventory) there is only one common apricot tree. They also did not remember that it is in the Karatau Range that the narrowly endemic Berkarinsky poplar grows. People are not informed about the plans of the Institute of Zoology to introduce the snow leopard and mountain goats into the reserve ... Among the Red Book birds, the steppe eagle, imperial eagle, brown dove, vulture and white-fronted goose were not named.
The participants of the seminar voiced the problems related to the conservation of the region's biodiversity. The situation is similar to what is happening near the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve. Thus, as a result of state support for animal husbandry, the number of livestock in villages near protected areas has increased significantly, but there is no fodder base for the development of this area. As a result of overgrazing in the buffer zone of the Karatau Reserve, pastures have completely degraded. There are problems with watering, with the depletion of water resources. There were opinions that it is necessary to limit livestock grazing, breed thoroughbred animals, replace the number of livestock of cattle and small cattle with their quality. To do this, it is necessary to establish the normal operation of the insemination points. A potential conflict of interest with the reserve may arise due to an acute shortage of hayfields. The areas around the villages are scorched by dry winds and the sun, trampled down by cattle, there is no rain in the region for half a year. In fact, herds are driven out only so that the animals take a walk. In the villages near the reserve, you can often see a picture when animals loiter through the streets, but do not graze, because there is no grass anywhere. The period of stall maintenance increases. In fact, among the livestock breeders of the entire southern region of Kazakhstan, there is currently a panic, as the prepared feed may hardly be enough until the new year. According to official data, a bale of hay has risen in price by up to 25 percent compared to last year, according to unofficial data, the price rises significantly. Already, farmers are trying to either sell their livestock or slaughter it, because there is nothing to feed them. It is assumed that the territory of the Karatau Reserve will be increased in the near future, since the Karatau argali live in an unprotected area. This means that potential grazing areas will shrink further. An acute question arises, due to which the local population will survive, because economic activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve. The workshop participants voiced various project ideas related to sustainable livelihoods and risk diversification, they relate to the development of such activities
During the seminar, several people showed interest and readiness to take part in the preparation and implementation of projects for the conservation of biodiversity in the Western Tien Shan.
After the seminar, a general group chat was created on the “Khantagi - CEPF” vatsap, several publications were made in it about grant programs, participants also joined the community on Instagram @jabagly_manas_club, where information on biodiversity conservation issues (including priority ones for CEPF) is regularly published species) - 570 real subscribers, as well as video reports of the construction of demonstration sites opened as part of the project "Improving the management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan". Each story explains the principle of operation of solar installations that you can assemble with your own hands. Some of the seminar participants also attended a training seminar in the village of Khantagi, in the buffer zone of the Karatau Reserve, where they learned how to assemble a solar barrel, a dryer, a stove and a dry toilet at an ecological demonstration site created here. The director of Pushkin's school showed interest in the Living Manual, which, after the presentation, she concluded, can be used in the educational process. Those who wish were sent full up-to-date electronic versions of the "Living Handbook" about 16 rare and endangered species of animals and plants priority for CEPF.
Online support (assistance in project development) of the seminar participants will continue during July-August 2021. During the online support, the seminar participants will be informed about grant programs, receive links to the ARGO website and assistance for financial reporting training. Project ideas will be discussed and consulting support for project development will be provided.
The second seminar was held in the assembly hall of the visitor center of the Aksu-Zhabagly state natural reserve in the village of Zhabagly, Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan on June 21, 2021.
Rauf Sabitov, an expert on working with local communities, took part in the workshop. The program of the seminar included the presentation of the FSBK project “Improving the efficiency of management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan”; presentation of the "Living Benefit", informing participants about rare species, priority CEPF, about their status and threats; information on sources of funding for biodiversity conservation projects, on the role of the local community in the management of protected areas. The participants were informed in more detail about the conditions of the CEPF grant program, requirements for applications for grants and financial reporting, online learning opportunities, as well as online support for the seminar participants over the next two months.
The seminar was attended by 17 people, including 7 women, 10 men. Among the participants were 7 representatives of 4 NGOs, two teachers, as well as representatives of guest businesses and farms.
The local NGO NGO "Aksu-MSh" was involved in the organization of the seminar.
The participants of the seminar were provided with drinking water, pens, notepads, a coffee break was organized for them in the lobby of the visitor center and lunch in the dining room of the reserve hotel. Director of the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve Kyntaev Sakhit Zhaksymbetovich delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the seminar.
During the workshop, an anonymous survey was conducted, the analysis of which showed that the local community has a superficial understanding of the rare and endangered species of animals and plants that are priority CEPF. So, the ancestors of most cultivated varieties of apple trees were called Almaty aport and golden superiority. The respondents did not know that the brown pigeon is found in the region, the burial ground is confused with the golden eagle, they do not know that the Tien Shan birch grows in the Talas ridge, the respondents had difficulty answering the question, which poplar grows only in the Karatau ridge, whether wild apricot grows, Tien Shan birch, apple trees of Sievers and Nedzvetsky, as well as Berkarinsky poplar in the gorges of the Karatau ridge and Talas Alatau, whether the burial ground and the vulture are found in the region, most did not know that the Turkestan lynx lives in the mountainous area. Experienced testable difficulties in identifying a brown pigeon from a photograph. Among the tulips growing in Kazakhstan, they called Kaufman's tulip, mistakenly taking Berkarinsky tulip for it. After the presentation of the "Living Manual", the participants of the seminar were tested again, improving their results.
The workshop participants also voiced the problems associated with the conservation of biodiversity. So, as a result of overgrazing in the buffer zone of the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve, pastures are degrading. Livestock grazing needs to be limited. It is impossible to increase animal husbandry in this zone, since natural resources are limited. Livestock destroys the vegetation cover that holds water ... Water in a mountainous country in the average long-term projection becomes less.
The Koksay gorge in the buffer zone of the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve was seriously damaged as a result of the hasty and thoughtless construction of a water conduit, as well as large-scale construction of tourist facilities, the unique population of the rarest Berkarinsky tulip, which was located on the upper plateau, was destroyed. During the construction of roads, bulldozers destroyed thickets of wild rose and barberry. During the erection of a concrete staircase to the upper plateau, a juniper was uprooted, which with its root system holds the mountain slope, protecting it from degradation. The anthropogenic load on the gorge has increased, it is out of control, not limited. The tugai forest along the Koksay River has been cut down, a unique birch grove has suffered (visitors of the tourist site break their branches and trample undergrowth), the entire biotope along the river has been destroyed. Reproduction of flora and fauna in this location under such conditions is impossible. Barbecues and samovars are smoking everywhere, a fire can cause even more damage to Koksaj ... Capital construction is planned in the gorge, a natural object that was picturesque a few years ago no longer shines with its unique beauty, and with further barbaric development, it may completely lose its value. The business plans to build a hotel. One can only guess where the sewage flows will merge in the upper reaches of the purest mountain river ... An environmentally unfriendly toilet has been built on the mountain slope ...
It is unlikely that snow leopards and Turkestan lynx, which were previously seen here, will return to such a busy place, the animals are forced to migrate deep into the reserve. The noisy behavior of tourists, who now freely climb the once hard-to-reach plateau, scares off the birds nesting here. There is an uncontrolled collection of unique Berkarina tulips, the change of which does not ripen and does not fall into the ground. On the upper plateau, where tulips used to grow in a continuous carpet, these flowers are almost gone. Vandals push plastic eggplants into the burrows of wild animals...
In this location, educational work is needed, the construction of an environmentally friendly toilet, a ban on capital construction. Restoration of completely destroyed bushes of wild rose and barberry along new and old dirt roads, restoration of uprooted juniper. Creation of conditions for self-restoration of the tugai forest, preservation of the undergrowth of the birch grove, rehabilitation and preservation of the affected flora and fauna are necessary. Increasing environmental education, including decision makers on the development of Koksay for the tourism business, is an important component of a set of measures for the rehabilitation of the biotope ...
During the seminar, at least six people showed interest and readiness to take part in the preparation and implementation of projects for the conservation of biodiversity in the Western Tien Shan.
After the seminar, a general group chat was created in the Zhabagly project WhatsApp, the participants also joined the community on Instagram @jabagly_manas_club, where information publications on biodiversity conservation (including species priority for CEPF) are regularly posted - 570 real subscribers. Half of the workshop participants also attended a training workshop in the village of Karasaz, Zhualyn district, Zhambyl region, where they learned how to assemble a solar barrel, a dryer, a stove and a dry toilet on a demonstration ecological site. Those who wish were sent full current versions of the "Living Handbook" about 16 rare and endangered species of animals and plants priority for CEPF. The seminar participants also received pocket calendars in handouts with images of rare and endangered species of animals and plants of priority for CEPF (printed as part of the “I Know” project! NGO “Mountain Club “Zhabagly-Manas”.
Online support (assistance in project development) of the seminar participants will continue during July-August 2021. During the online support, the seminar participants will be informed about grant programs, receive links to the ARGO website and assistance for financial reporting training. Project ideas will be discussed and consulting support for project development will be provided.
In addition, the project approved the composition of three competitive commissions with the participation of representatives of pilot protected areas for the selection of three peasants, farms and CSOs to host environmental demonstration sites (DEP) and conduct five-day master classes with a convenient location for visiting schoolchildren and the public, who are ready to contribute additional own contribution.
Announcements about the competition were published on the websites of protected areas. Based on the results, three farms adjacent to the pilot PAs were selected, where demonstration ecological sites were arranged.
At the same time, the installation of drip irrigation and the arrangement of the garden (purchase of seedlings) has been postponed to autumn 2021 due to weather conditions.
After the placement of the DEP, master classes were held.
The first master class was held in the village of Khantagy in the buffer zone of the Karatau State Nature Reserve in the Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan from May 31 to June 6, 2021.
The training was conducted by an expert on working with local communities, Rauf Sabitov.
The training program included theoretical and practical components. The theoretical part consisted of a brief presentation of the FSBK project “Increasing the efficiency of management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan”; informing participants about rare species prioritized by CEPF, their status and threats; informing about the role of the local community in the management of protected areas, the problem of global climate change, adaptation measures, the design of a solar dryer, a solar heater, a solar stove, the design and principle of operation of a hydroram. The practical part - from participation in the manufacture, construction and installation of the above installations.
The seminar was attended by 17 people, including 4 women, 13 men. Among the participants there were 2 representatives of two NGOs, 4 business representatives, 6 representatives of peasant and farm enterprises, 5 representatives of the local population.
The local NGO NGO ECO Atameken was involved in the organization of the training.
The participants of the training were provided with pens, notepads, meals and delivery to the training venue were organized for them during the day.
The evaluation of informing the participants of the training showed that only two of the seventeen participants have an idea about rare and endangered species of animals and plants, priority CEPF, five - about ways to prevent global warming and adaptation measures, 6 - about water-saving technologies.
Every day during the seminar, the participants took part in the manufacture of a solar dryer, a solar barrel and a solar stove. The indicated installations were made within five days of the training. During the training, three participants started to concrete the site for the dry toilet.
Online support (assistance in the construction of a dry toilet) continued until the end of June 2021.
Online support through consultations, informing via WhatsApp will be carried out until the end of the project.
Drip irrigation will be installed in October 2021.
After the construction of the dry toilet is completed, information tours and excursions for schoolchildren and students will be held.
The second master class was held in the village of Karasaz, Zhualyn district, next to the Aksu-Zhabagly state natural reserve in the Zhambyl region of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 23 to 27, 2021.
The training was conducted by an expert on working with local communities, Rauf Sabitov.
The training program included theoretical and practical components. The theoretical part consisted of a brief presentation of the FSBK project “Increasing the efficiency of management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan”; informing participants about rare species prioritized by CEPF, their status and threats; informing about the role of the local community in the management of protected areas, the problem of global climate change, adaptation measures, the designs of a solar dryer, a solar heater, a solar stove, a dry toilet. The practical part - from participation in the manufacture, construction and installation of the above installations.
The seminar was attended by 17 people, including 7 women, 10 men. Among the participants there were 4 representatives of two NGOs, 2 representatives of business, 6 representatives of peasant and farm enterprises, 5 representatives of the local population.
The NGO PA “Aksu MSH” was involved in the organization of the training.
The participants of the training were provided with pens, notepads, meals and delivery to the training venue were organized for them during the day.
Evaluation of informing the participants of the training showed that only two out of seventeen participants are well informed about rare and endangered species of animals and plants, priority CEPF, four - about ways to prevent global warming and adaptation measures, six - about water-saving technologies.
Every day during the seminar, the participants took part in the manufacture of a solar dryer, a solar barrel and a solar stove. These installations, as well as a welded structure for installing a solar barrel, were made during five days of training. After the end of the training, the three participants proceeded to concrete the site for the dry toilet.
The construction of a dry toilet is currently underway, accompanied by an online trainer.
Online support for all training participants through consultations and information through the WatsApp manager will be carried out until the end of the project.
Drip irrigation will be installed in October 2021.
After the construction of the dry toilet is completed, information tours and excursions for schoolchildren and students will be held.
The third master class will be held in July 2021.
Summing up the results of the project’s activities for the first half of 2021, it should be noted that, in general, the project’s performance for the reporting period is positive.
During the reporting period, basically all the planned activities were completed, with a slight delay in terms due to the epidemiological situation in the region.
Key events for the first half of the year include:
formation of the Coordinating Councils of the pilot PAs and holding the first meetings with the approval of their Composition and Work Plan;
completion of preparatory activities for holding the first Meeting of the Regional Committee of the Western Tien Shan Serial Transboundary UNESCO World Heritage Site (formation of the composition, preparation of the draft Regulations and Action Plan for 2021-2022);
conducting the first assessment of the effectiveness of protected area management according to the METT methodology;
holding a competition among schoolchildren in the pilot areas "Inhabitants of the protected lands of the Western Tien Shan";
conclusion of Memorandums with education departments and universities of Zhambyl and Turkestan regions;
selection of peasant farms for the creation of ecological sites and their further equipment.
Of the planned activities for the first half of the year, the following activities have not been implemented and are postponed to a later date:
creation of a Volunteer Club (the issue of creating a Volunteer Club was discussed and supported during the meetings of the Coordinating Councils of protected areas, a draft Regulation was prepared, but its creation was delayed due to the introduction of quarantine in the region and the difficulties that arose in connection with the selection of candidates);
conducting excursions for schoolchildren and students to demonstration ecological sites, as well as conducting an info tour (due to the introduction of quarantine and the difficulties that arose in connection with the selection of farms, the purchase of equipment for the DEP and their further assembly, as well as the fact that schoolchildren and the students went on vacation).
These events will be held in the second half of 2021.
However, no changes to the project are required.
The implementation of the project does not cause any environmental and social problems. Therefore, no action is required to mitigate expected or unforeseen problems.
In general, during the reporting period, the project fulfilled its plans for the most part.
However, in the course of trips to pilot PAs and meetings with institutions, it turned out that in recent years, environmental institutions have not conducted refresher courses for PA employees.
At the same time, both managers and employees of institutions asked to organize refresher courses to improve their level.
A trial survey among employees confirmed the low level of knowledge of individual employees.
This issue also applies to the protected areas of neighboring states, which, during online meetings, confirmed the need to organize advanced training courses at the regional level.
In addition, the trips showed the poor material and technical equipment of institutions, primarily the departments of science, education and tourism.
Summary report for the first half of the year on the project "Improving the efficiency of management of specially protected natural areas of the Western Tien Shan"
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- Written by Нурдаулет Самен
- Category: News
- Hits: 2693